Monday, February 8, 2016

Autism and sports

About 2 years ago we came to the conclusion that Nash could no longer play on a regular team sport like baseball, soccer or basketball because of his autism.  When we made this decision.....many parents came to us and said that no one would ever be mean or cruel if he was on their team.  But, we had already had people in the stands say nasty things about Nash when he was more interested in the butterfly and the grass than paying attention to the game.

It was then that one of my posts on Facebook pointed me to Special Olympics.  We were so very grateful because Nash had a place to play sports without the nastiness of causing the team to lose.  We LOVE Special Olympics!  Coach Dave & Mickie are amazing....they do so much to make Special Olympics a great program.

But, we live in a small community so Nash is the only child that participates.  Nash was so excited to have basketball start...he has been practicing his slam dunk, dribbling, making name it.  But, the first day he came home disappointed....for some reason he had in his mind that there would be kids his age.

He wants so desperately to have friends.  The one kid that is his friend in school...comes with baggage.  And its baggage that I really don't want to have to deal with. 

Its heartbreaking to have a child want something so badly that I just can't make happen.

I hate autism!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016 calendar day

I was interviewed yesterday by my daughter for one of her college classes.

Sophie had to write an interview type article.  She choose me...for various reasons....but, after it was done, I was honored.  Honored because she interviewed me about Sundays and me..

Sundays are my day to sleep in...which is supposed to be a rule but many things happen to keep it from happening.  We talked about why my Sundays are supposed to be for me to relax and prepare for the following week.  She called it controlled relaxation.

Sundays, as soon as I wake up and come out into the house and have my coffee & pill box done, I do our calendars for the week. 

We follow 3 calendars - the family monthly, the family weekly and Nash's weekly.

  • The family monthly calendar sits on the kitchen countertop next to the pencil sharpener, pens, sharpies, and pencils for homework, massive quantities of binder clips & paper clips, post-it notes in many shapes, sizes and and pre-written statements, and the file box that holds everything necessary for school, travel plans and goes there so it can be found later.  
    • Anyone can put anything on this calendar that I need to know.  It can be scrutinized by me and can move onto the weekly calendar if I need it to be.  
      • I do simultaneously run a calendar on my phone too...but that it the jumping off point that everything else runs off of.  Both Lance & Sophie can send me calendar invites on my phone.
  • The family weekly calendar is cemented to the left side of the refrigerator.  It can be seen from all over the house.   It is how I know the week will run.  If it is not on this does not exist for me.  
    • If you need me to do anything for you or about better make sure it is on this calendar.
  • The calendar for Nash.  We do not spring anything on Nash if humanly possible.  Nash does not do change or spontaneity.  Autism does not like anything NOT on the calendar.  This also serves as a place where Nash can prepare himself for something...even the fun stuff.  Any change in Nash's routine is a battle.  Field trips or nail trimming are all something to be feared and must be prepared for.
After calendar...its me time for a while.  But, not if Lance is working.  If Lance is home, I get a quieter day because the entertainment of Nash is on him.  Sunday is our one day that does not have a schedule.  This is very difficult for Nash & autism.

Sunday is also laundry day..that did not get washed through out the week.   I will do a couple of loads and leave them in the basket to fold at a time I need to sit and not be bothered.  I like to fold laundry.  I do not like to put away laundry but folding is nice.  But, Sunday is my day to get ALL laundry washed, folded and put away.  I watch one of my shows and fold.

I also try to spend as much time as possible in my studio.  In there is color, fun, the ability to do anything!  Even organizing in there is awesome and calming.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Getting back to my blog

If you look will see that I have not written anything in 2 years.  TWO YEARS!

There has been shit happening!

I have had weight loss surgery (9-17-14) and have lost over 100 pounds...and look fabulous!  I will never be a stick figure.  I am happy being a size 18.

I have finally been diagnosed with Polymyalgia.....I know, it sounds so Caribbean or just exotic...and yet, no....IT FREAKIN' SUCKS!  Polymyalgia is the name given when you have Rheumatoid Arthritis and the same time  :)  I know, you are wishin' it was you!

I have been told by my doctors that I need to relax more because I am not going to handle everything if I don't.  So, I am trying...really to find the balance.

My retired Hubby now works 2 different part time security jobs.  I would tell you here...but, then he would have to shoot me.  He is a very private man...and it drives me nuts but, this is who he is and I will not cross his lines.

My daughter is now an adult.  Really?  That happened so freakin' fast!  I was just changing her diapers.  But, she is now a full-time college student at a local community college.  For years she wanted to be a teacher....I never thought that was a good choice but, it is not my choice.  But, after years of being fascinated by serial killers and all of that....she decided that she would like to be a criminal psychologist.  This, this makes sense.

My son.  He is now 10 years old and in the 4th grade.  We have a pretty good IEP and he is with a wonderful 4th grade teacher and a wonderful group of paraprofessionals and an amazing teacher.  About 9 months ago we changed up his meds to let autism come out and play.  It was not my intent when we sought to take him off the drug that was causing him to gain weight.  I kept asking the psychiatrist why he was getting worse and that was not what was happening.  So, now we get more agitation, interesting stims and other things that I will talk about as we go along.

I would really like to continue writing again.  Just the little bit I have done so far has really eased some stress.  And stress relief or anything else I can find to help me deal with the place I am in now is a good thing.