Today....was our first ever, IEP.
I was nervous. I was scared. I really had no idea what it was going to be...or what was going to happen.
I even took a class on how to write a successful IEP. I have been reading everything I could get my hands on, hired people to our behavior therapist, and talked to parents who had already been thru the process.
I really had no idea what to expect.
But, talking to people in other school districts...ours is awesome! And I choose to be in this school is not the one I live in.
Everyone sitting at the table...was supportive of my son and us as parents.
Never in a million years did I ever think I would be here. Never. And here I am. Here my son is. Here we are.
We have a long road ahead of us. Nash is only 7. But, it is a road that has many people cheering us on...and I am honored by the support.
I am so proud of us!
So glad everyone was supportive. It really does help.